Japan Jibun Bank Manufacturing PMI

Category: Manufacturing PMI
Units: Points
The Jibun Bank Japan Manufacturing PMI® is compiled by IHS Markit from responses to monthly questionnaires sent to purchasing managers in a panel of around 400 manufacturers. The panel is stratified by detailed sector and company workforce size, based on contributions to GDP. Survey responses indicate the direction of change compared to the previous month. A diffusion index is calculated for each survey variable. The index is the sum of the percentage of ‘higher’ responses and half the percentage of ‘unchanged’ responses. The indices vary between 0 and 100, with a reading above 50 indicating an overall increase compared to the previous month, and below 50 an overall decrease. The PMI is a weighted average of the following five indices: New Orders (30%), Output (25%), Employment (20%), Suppliers’ Delivery Times (15%) and Stocks of Purchases (10%). For the PMI calculation the Suppliers’ Delivery Times Index is inverted so that it moves in a comparable direction to the other indices.
A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the JPY while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the JPY.
Source: S&P Global

Event Details

Country: Japan Japan
Symbol: JPY

Latest Release

Consensus: 49.5

Next Release

Date: 12:30 AM, 24 Jan 2025
Time left: in 9 days