OXYP closed Friday higher at 50.43, an increase of 1.34% from Thursday's close, completing a monthly increase of 5.42% or 2.59. Over the past 12 months, OXYP stock gained 5.42%.
OXYP pays dividends to its shareholders, with the most recent payment made on 8 hours ago. The next estimated payment will be in In 3 months on Apr 15, 2025 for a total of 0.22.
The last earnings report, released on Nov 12, 2024, exceeded the consensus estimates by 0.26%. On average, the company has fell short of earnings expectations by -0.14%, based on the last three reports. The next scheduled earnings report is due on Feb 12, 2025.
The stock of the company had never split.
The company's stock is traded on 11 different exchanges and in various currencies, with the primary listing on XWBO (EUR).