Portugal PPI YoY

Category: Producer Prices Change
Units: Percent
In Portugal, the Industrial Production Price Index aims to show the monthly evolution of transaction prices in economic activities for the domestic and foreign markets. The indices are obtained based on the Survey on Prices in the Production of Industrial Products, carried out by electronic form, with companies based in the national territory, focusing mainly on the extractive, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water industries. About 10123 prices are collected every month. Intermediate goods is the biggest segment of producer prices, accounting for 36 percent of total PPI, followed by consumer goods (31 percent), energy (20 percent) and capital goods (12 percent).
A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the EUR while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the EUR.

Event Details

Symbol: EUR

Latest Release

Consensus: 2.3%

Next Release

Date: 10:00 AM, 19 Sep 2024 (in 11 days)
Time left: in 11 days